If you are a HTML5/CSS/jQuery Web Developer, here's a $3.99 ThanksGiving Offer
There’s now a newcomer to the stable of images we use for web development. It’s the WebP Image Format (see https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/)
WebP’s goal is to surpass compression file sizes of photographs—a role usually reserved by JPEG. But this JPEG clone has a special talent: animation! So, in essenece, the WebP image format is a hybrid of the GIF...
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
JavaScript Devs: Be Careful With Comparison Operators

The results of type coercion in JavaScript can be difficult to predict, even when you know the rules. In this post, we will see how subtle differences in comparisons, can lead to significant changes in the results. Be careful when relying on 'truthyness' for logic. Whenever possible, use comparison operators to clarify your meaning. 'Falsy' values include:
empty strings
CAUTION - Boolean objects instantiated...
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Why are Deferred Objects So Useful

If you are a HTML5/CSS/jQuery Web Developer, here's a ThanksGiving Offer
Deferred objects are useful when you want to execute functions at the end of some task without having to monitor that task directly, especially when that task is being performed in the background. The code below contains a demonstration, which I’ll then start to modify to add features. It's about using Callbacks with a Long-Lived Task
<script type="text/javascript">
Thursday, September 20, 2012
To Carousal or Not

In an effort to squeeze more content on web pages, designers sometimes turn to novel navigation features such as carousels that advance or rotate objects in a fixed space. These are great for displaying related products or showing facets of the same product, such as pants presented in different colors or with different tailoring options (cuffed or not, straight vs. relaxed cut, etc.). Some carousels are relatively simple slide-show-like implementations,...
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Some IE CSS Tips for Transparency, min-max width and Conditional Comments

For ThanksGiving, I am offering 5 exclusive website templates for just $3.99. Purchase Here.
You can force IE to apply transparency to PNGs. In theory, PNG files do support varied levels of transparency; however, an Internet Explorer 6 bug prevents this from
working cross-browser.
1. #regular_logo
2. {
3. background:url('test.png'); width:150px; height:55px;
4. }
5. /* \ */
6. * html #regular_logo
7. {
8. background:none;
9. float:left;
10. width:150px;
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
The Dys-Functional Specifications

If you are a HTML5/CSS/jQuery Web Developer, here's a ThanksGiving Offer
So what's functional about a Functional Spec?
These blueprint docs usually wind up having almost nothing to do with the finished product. Here's why:
Functional specs are fantasies
They don't reflect reality. An app is not real until builders are building it, designers are designing it, and people are using it. Functional specs are just words on paper.
Functional specs...
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Who came first - Content or Design

Well, I believe that to make good design you should know what content is. It’s because design is about how to deliver content the right way. On the other hand, not only content matters, but also form of delivery, medium (read “design”) could make a competitive advantage, become a key idea of customer’s business.
But, obviously, it’s not about content only, there is user study, context of usage, company possibilities and business interest....